Navigating the ITIL Framework: What's New in ITILv4 and What to Expect Ahead
Dato: 13. april 2023
No Country for Old Admins - Understanding Microsoft Identity, Authentication & Authorisation!
Date: 11. april 2023
Time: 15.30-16.30
With: Andy Malone
Language: English
In this deep dive session join Microsoft MVP, and YouTuber, Andy Malone as he explores the various mechanisms that Microsoft use to not only identify users, but also authenticate and authorise them in both a Windows domain environment, but also in Microsoft 365 & Azure AD. Authentication ensures that your users are who they say they are. Authorisation ensures that they can only access resources that they are allowed to access in a controlled manner. So if you want to learn, buckle up and get ready. This is a busy session with lots of demos and one that you’ll not want to miss.
By attending this session you’ll gain an understanding into the technologies contained within the Microsoft Identity platform and how they work. Along with the important topic of how users are authenticated. Finally, authorisation is a mechanisms in place to protect resources by ensuring only the right people have access to the rights resources.